
Intermapper no layer 2 data available
Intermapper no layer 2 data available

intermapper no layer 2 data available
  1. Intermapper no layer 2 data available license key#
  2. Intermapper no layer 2 data available code#
  3. Intermapper no layer 2 data available password#
  4. Intermapper no layer 2 data available mac#

Upgraded Python version 2.7 to version 3.8.5 and from 32-bit to 64-bit in IMDC. Resolved an inconsistency (specific to Linux systems) between the default path for the settings directory using a command to configure the Intermapper server.Īdded the Intermapper Migration Guide to help assist in upgrading Intermapper Database for PostgreSQL version 10.14. Resolved a fault in the IM server's response to the IE and Edge browsers that was introduced while making the server fully TLS conformant in IM-v6.5.2.

intermapper no layer 2 data available

Resolved the issue where LDAP Authentication does not work. Resolved the delay in the startup of Intermapper on Microsoft Windows and Linux systems. Resolved daily and weekly maintenance issues related to the Intermapper Datacenter database significantly reducing time spent on those operations. Resolved the failure when applying a retention policy when deleting old data in IMDC. Resolved the failure to apply scaling and display units for Gauge32 in on-demand tables. Resolved the issue where the Intermapper Datacenter does not start if the Intermapper Server is installed on a non-C drive. Improved PostgreSQL database upgrades on slow systems. Updated the Intermapper Migration Guide to reflect the latest updates in migrating from PostgreSQL 8.3 to 10.14.

Intermapper no layer 2 data available license key#

Updated License Key Dialog with new text and links. Improved the database migration process, added a progress bar, and added more informational and error messages. Upgraded Intermapper Splunk App with Python 3.Įnhanced maintenance processing, warning users that they need available disk space to be at least double the size of the database. Resolved error when using import and save custom SSL certificate in the IMDC. Resolved comment import no-op for file import with. Resolved E-mail notifications not sending using external SMTP server. Support SNMP community starting with TLS error on HTTPS probe (Inbuilt Probe). Resolved TCP dropping and server stuck spinning on ETIMEDOUT.

Intermapper no layer 2 data available password#

Resolved setting a password for Intermapper DataCenter not holding. Resolved issues with non-default installation locations on Windows, Linux and MacOS.įixed incorrect disk space check during database migration/upgrade.įixed port 636 failure caused IM Database to have strings more than 256 chars. New link alert configuration features work correctly under version skew. Resolved IMDC database failure with CheckViolation error. Updated LibPNG related libraries, addressed vulnerability CVE-2019-7317. Refer to the Installation Guide for further details on updating Linux to 6.6. Included SHA-2 in supported SNMPv3 Auth options.Īdded functionality to control if interface status change would effect device status changing.Īdded watermark on maps for 'Trial License Only'.Īdded SystemD for management of Intermapper services for Linux, and updated to conform with the Linux File Systems for packaged applications. Updated icons for devices in Intermapper.Īdded Advanced Network Mapping Capability (Virtual Network Monitoring for AWS). Resolved Email notification with Office 365Īdded support for new platforms: Windows 2022 Server, Ubuntu 21.04, 22.04, MacOS 11.

intermapper no layer 2 data available intermapper no layer 2 data available

Resolved issues with Host Resources Probe Resolved SNMP users no longer able to accept dashes \('-'\) for the username

Intermapper no layer 2 data available code#

Resolved Email notifier crashes when list of emails is too longīuffer overrun Assertion in NT\_Services Probe Code \(IM Server\) Resolved notification emails truncating links Upgraded OpenJDK to address Java Vulnerabilities: Windows, Linux, and MacOS Resolved Chart Data Upper and Lower bounds showing incorrect numbers See the Intermapper User Guide for more information. You can authenticate LDAP on port 389 with or without SSL and on port 636 which is an encrypted connection by default.

Intermapper no layer 2 data available mac#

Updated libraries to address vulnerabilities on Windows, Linux, and Mac systems Refer to the User Guide for more information. Added password policy in Server Settings to enforce password minimum and maximum lengths.

Intermapper no layer 2 data available